Soal Ujian dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Prediiksi UNBK No 40 Sampai 50

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Soal Ujian dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Prediiksi UNBK No 40 Sampai 50

The following text is for questions 40 to 42.

I was 12 years old when my family and I moved to a new neighborhood. I was starting my 6th grade in a new school, with new people and no friends. I was a quiet and shy person, so I never hung out
with the other neighborhood kids. Before school had started, I had met a few people who were in the same grade as me. After that initial meeting, I never saw them again until the first day of school.
For the first day of school, I asked my mom to do my hair that morning so it would look nice. She did my hair in my regular hairstyle, 5 ponytails with the barrettes on the end. I arrived to school and went into my new classroom. Everyone stopped their conversation to turn and look at me. I looked around the classroom and noticed that all the females either had their hair in one ponytail or had it pressed and curled into a style. My hair was styled like the 3rd or 4th graders at that school. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to cry!

40. The writer never hung out with friends because she.... 
A. was a new student in a school 
B. just moved to a new place 
C. just started the 6th grade 
D. was shy and also quiet 

41. From the text we can conclude that the writer.... 
A. was not good at making friends 
B. had a very common hair style 
C. did not go to a good school 
D. had many friendly friends 

42. After that initial meeting (Paragraph…. 1). Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word? 
A. final 
B. first 
C. last 
D. late 

For questions  43 to 45, complete the paragraph with the correct words.
Rose with over 100 species is a woody perennial of the genus Rosa. Roses are best known as ornamental plants which are grown for their flowers in the garden and sometimes (43) .... They have been also used for commercial perfumery and commercial cut flower crops. They also have minor medicinal uses. The flowers are large and showy in (44) ... ranging from whites through yellows and reds. Rose plants (45) ... in size from compact, miniature roses, to climbers that can reach 7 meters in height.

A. indoors 
C. in the open air 
D. under a big tree 

A. sizes 

A. range 

For questions 46 to 48, complete the paragraph with the correct words.

Fish Sticks

• 1/2 cup whole wheat bread crumbs 
• 1/2 teaspoon paprika 
• 1/2 teaspoon salt 
• 1 large egg 
• 1/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper 
• 8 ounces cod fillets 
• Cooking spray 

1. First of all, preheat the oven to 400°F. 
2.(46) ..., combine the bread crumbs, paprika, and ½ teaspoon salt on a shallow plate. 
3. Then, beat the egg with a (47) .... After that set the two dishes aside. 
4. Next, cut the fish into several stick shapes. Season with salt and ¼ teaspoon pepper. 
5. Dredge the fish and transfer the fish to the prepared baking sheet and lightly coat with cooking spray. 
6. Finally, (48) ... in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes or until the crumbs are brown and firm. 

46.A. Secondly 
B. Firstly 
C. Before 
D. When 

47.A. fork 
B. plate 
C. glass 
D. bowl 

48. A. stir 
B. boil 
C. saute 
D. bake 

49. Arrange these words or phrases into a good sentence. 

the set we a near campfire river have
1 2 3 4 5      6           7            8

A. 3 –2 –1 –6 –5 –8 –4 - 7 
B. 3 –2 –8 –1 –6 –5 –3 - 7 
C. 3 –8 –4 –6 –5 –1 –2 - 7 
D. 3 –8 –2 –4 –6 –5 –1 - 7 

50. Arrange these words or phrases into a good sentence. 

with it’s platypuaresoilsso’blocked  from  intruders  burrows protected
1 2 3 4   5  6          7      8           9         10         11

A. 3 –10 –4 –7 –8 –9 –6 –2 –11 –8 - 5 
B. 3 –10 –4 –7 –1 –5 –6 –2 –11 –8 - 9 
C. 3 –10 –2 –7 –1 –9 –6 –4 –11 –8 - 5 
D. 3 –10 –4 –7 –8 –9 –6 –2 –11 –8 - 5 


40. D Dinyatakan dengan jelas pada kalimat . I was a quiet and shy person, so I never hung out with the other neighborhood kids.
41. A Pilihan jawaban B, C, D tidak sesuai dengan isi bacaan.
42. B Kalimat Before school had started, I had met a few people who were in the same grade as me.menunjukkan bahwa ini adalah pertemuan yang pertama.
43. A Pernyataan ...which are grown for their flowers in the garden memberikan petunjuk bahwa bagian kalimat berikutnya adalah kondisi yang berlawanan.
44. B ... whites through yellows and reds menunjukkan warna
45. A Kata kerja yang paling sesuai diikuti kata depan in adalah range
46. A Ungkapan penanda urutan kedua yang paling tepat adalah secondly.
47. A Alat yang paling tepat digunakan untuk mengocok telur adalah fork.
48. D Kata kerja yang paling berkaitan dengan oven adalah bake.
49. D Sususnan kata yang paling tepat secara gramatika adalah We have set a campfire nearthe river.
50. B Pilihan jawaban A, C, dan D tidak tersusun secara logis dan gramatika.

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